Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Five Rise Lock

Bingley Five Rise Locks, not the biggest in the UK but the steepest rising nearly 60 feet (16 metres) over a distance of 320 ft (97 metres).  The crowds turned out in 1774 when it opened to see this wonder of the waterways and people still come to see a piece of working history.
At the top the plaque not only mentions the Leeds to Liverpool Canal's first engineer who designed the locks, John Longbotham, but also credits the local stonemasons whose work can still be seen for the locks retain most of their original stonework
There have been modern additions such as the metal lock ladders so if anyone falls in they can get out easily (in the 18th century you would have had to haul yourself up the lock gates).  The lock gates of course haven't lasted

but their replacements are made of oak like the originals.
Here is a boat tying up at the bottom ready to make the journey up; no tripping up over an excitable dog because it has been tied up first
and was waiting patiently to get back on board.

 The boats coming down made their way out (the water can be seen gushing down in lock). The journey down takes 20-30 minutes now the locks are ready for those wanting to take the journey up however
this will take longer,  between 45 minutes and 1 hour.
but there will be company because they go up two by two
not to mention the many curious onlookers like me.

They reach the calm waters of the canal at the top to carry them on their way
but my destination was the tea room on the opposite bank which in past times was the stable block for horses.

An entry to ABC Wednesday, a journey through the alphabet, this week sojourning at R here


photowannabe said...

Locks are fascinating. I didn't know they were around so long ago. Clever people who figured it out.

Amit Agarwal said...

Amazing concept and creation!
Beautifully captured too:)

MelodyK said...

Seems like a beautiful place to wander through... nice photo's too.

Have a wonderful ABC-day / – week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

Trubes said...

That was interesting Joy,
I would love to have a canal holiday but would
be scared of all those locks, not being able bodied
i wouldn't much use to husband, If they had somebody
to help then it would be feasible.
great pictures most enjoyable read,
Best wishes,
Abcw team.

Leslie: said...

Do they have boats that will take people through if they don't have a boat themselves? For a fee? I'd love to do that and even if I couldn't get a ride, I'd at least love to see that!

abcw team

Anonymous said...

Wow, I never seen so many locks in a row. You may know Holland has many of these sleuces (water locks). Noteworthy to post:)

carol l mckenna said...

Wow what a place and wonderful photography ~ thanks!

Wishing you a peaceful week ~ ^_^

Ingrid said...

I would love to travel on a ship through all these locks ! I did it once long time ago in Belgium.

Roger Owen Green said...

furlongs - we so seldom use that measure!


Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

Looks like it would be a lot of fun to watch. Blessings!

Photo(Geo)grapher said...

What an remarkable place. It reminds me a bit of locks and ramps on the OstrĂ³da-Elblag Canal in Poland