Wednesday, 25 December 2019

The Day of Christmas

Wave upon wave of rain for weeks made me wonder if it is ever going to end but is there hope in sight?  Observe the day on which Christmas falls for the weather ahead says 'The Knowledge of Things Unknown' published in 1729 when Christmas day fell on a Sunday.  Of course just to confuse things that depends on whether you were using the Julian or Gregorian calendar.  Here is the handy guide to the days of Christmas -

If Christmas Day falls on a
Sunday, that year shall be a warm Winter, the Summer hot and dry: peace and quietness shall be plenteous among married folks.  If on a
Monday, a misty Winter, the Summer windy and stormy: and many women mourning their husbands.
Tuesday, a cold Winter and much snow, the Summer wet; but good peace shall be among Kings and Princes
Wednesday, the Winter naughty and hard, the Summer very good; young people and cattle shall die sore
Thursday, the Winter mild and Summer very good and abundant; many great men shall perish
Friday, the Winter neither bad nor good and the Harvest indifferent
Saturday, the Winter with great wind snow and cold, the Summer good; there shall be war in many lands

I like the benign beginnings of the forecasts with often doom-laden endings.

Wishing Everyone a Merry Christmas  

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