Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Going to the Zoo

 The last letter of ABC Wednesday and I'm taking a trip to the zoo. A popular place for school trips, this little group were waiting for the rest of the class before venturing through the gates. 

 Where these Chinese style lions make a grand entrance to the Antwerp Zoo, almost better than the real thing.

As we are concentrating on the letter Z this week I will show one of my favourite animals

zebras blending together in super stripes.

Founded in 1843by the Royal Society of Zoology the Antwerp Zoo's initial aim was to encourage zoological and botanical science.  Its initial area of 4 acres kept expanding throughout the 19th Century until it reached 26 acres. There are recent plans to add another 4 acres. The zoo has changed greatly since the 19th century with more emphasis on space and light for the animals  although some things remain the same such as the
 Giraffe House built in the style of an Egyptian Temple and donated to the zoo in 1856 by King Leopold II.  The giraffes were mostly outside but the food will arrive through this entrance
Apparently the designs all tell the story of the zoo and the animals arriving from the four corners of the earth
 The Egyptian hieroglyphs give more information. The row of five people have their names in hieroglyphs but I have no idea who they are.  I imagine this was a period of great excitement for all things Egyptian as Champollion had only made the complete decipherment of the symbols in the 1820s.  The aim of the building, built by Charles Servais was to "delight Antwerp and to educate its inhabitants.

An entry to ABC Wednesday. A journey through the alphabet and the end of the round 11.  Are you in for Round 12?


Richard Lawry said...

Wow! Looks like an amazing zoo, and with so much history.

An Arkies Musings

Leslie: said...

Looks like a fantastic Zoo! Drop by and see my post about the London Zoo.

abcw team

carol l mckenna said...

Wow! Fascinating place and wonderful photography for 'Z" ~

(A Creative Harbor) aka ArtMuseDog and Carol ^_^

Roger Owen Green said...

love a good zoo

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Chubskulit Rose said...

Zebras are fascinating!

Z is for...
Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

Wanda said...

You know several people have used Zoo, but not one picture is alike. Zoo's are so wonderful and never the same.

Rajesh said...

Nice place. I like that painting.

Ingrid said...

The Antwerp zoo I know very well, have been there several times. Since it has been renovated and more animal friendly it's a very nice zoo. 40 years ago, it was awful for the animals the cages were far too small.

Unknown said...

In my childhood I went several times to Antwerp, only a few hours from where I lived. They made it a very interesting place with all the cultural additions!

MERYL JAFFE, PhD - parent, psychologist, teacher, author... said...

That is a neat looking zoo - at least from outside the cages!

Anonymous said...

the zebra shot is stunning

Dave said...

That looks like a prety interesting zoo Joy, as most zoos are. Hope the school class enjoyed the visit - Dave