Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Quick Chicks

"Hello.Just enjoying a quiet day with my chicks.  Hey look out humans about!"
"Quick gather up.  Off we go"
"Come on form a queue".
"Don't hang back, keep up the quick pace, its all up the hill now until we reach water"
These chicks are bigger than this now, I love to see them grow, they will soon be big enough to quack.

An entry to ABC Wednesday - a journey through the alphabet



Ann said...

I love the way they stay in the line!!!So cute.


So adorable! It reminds me of Make Way for Ducklings:)

photowannabe said...

Sweet little ducklings.

mrsnesbitt said...

A Qwuacking good idea! Denise ABC Team x

Ingrid said...

How sweet !

Gerald (SK14) said...

o what a quacking queue of duques.

Shady Gardener said...

So cute!! Queue is a great word! Love the comment above! ;-)